Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dating disasters

K, I am dating...for the first time since 1995. Lots has changed, now I can call from home, cell, text, IM and meet in person. You are almost never unreachable. Not only that, but *I* have changed. I am 30 now, I totally love myself, I'm gorgeous and there are plenty of men to choose from. Big difference from the last time I was dating!!!

So, I'm on a dating marathon. My best friend has made me swear that if asked out on a date by someone attractive, I will accept. She also made me swear to let the man pay. Both of these promises are hard to keep. I have slight anxiety, so I would sometimes rather eat my own arm instead of going on a date. Also, let a man pay for me??!!! Are you insane? I may be a single Mother, but I'm not broke, I'm not a charity case, I'm not...ok, I'll stop. Can you see me choking on my pride?

Anyway, back to the dating marathon. Am I the only woman that can tell within about 13 seconds whether the date is a waste of my time? Seriously...13 seconds. Watch him walk toward me, check out his shoes, once over on the hair, quick glance at the fingernails, eye contact...ding! Decision made. It's just that quick. A "no" can happen that fast for me. I'll still go on the date, make conversation, laugh, flirt slightly...make CERTAIN it's a no. Typically though, the first impression is exact.

I have to say I'm going on a LOT of blind dates, so usually the first date is also the first meeting.

So, I got my hair pulled in a brand new Cadillac. Went to a Newfie bar...EEEKKKK...bad choice for a first date men! I went to a trendy new restaurant that didn't even serve soda!! WTF?! I have been offered drugs on a second date. I've been in a tow truck on a first date. Been proposed to twice, within a week of meeting the man. It's just been a riot.

I'm having trouble finding a man I'd like to see more than once.

I'm telling you though...13 seconds. Don't even pretend like it takes you longer than 13 seconds to determine an attraction...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Fridgette, not what you think

So, I'm Fridgette. But it's not what your dirty little mind thinks!! I am the only daughter of a man they call "Fridge". When I was 14 he thought it would be SO funny to call me Fridgette. Here I am 16 years later, still laughing...ha ha. Not funny. Wasn't funny then, isn't funny now.

Ok, it's a little funny. He later had 2 more children, both sons. Poor suckas got stuck with "Cooler" and "Thermos". At least Fridgette is a little funny, and a little dirty. You don't wanna know what my step-mother's nickname that shit is funny.

Well, that's me for now. I'll try this whole blog thing, see what comes of it.