Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Because you were wondering....

I'm certain you're waiting with baited breath to hear how that new house is now that we've been living in the house for almost a whole month! Ok, maybe not with baited breath, but let's sit and enjoy the update, shall we?

So, we moved in with the help of Sean, Melanie, Andrew and Jason! There was a lot of sweat, some grunting, some beer and at one point Jason was found talking to a cardboard box.

The house is huge. I'm starting to think that maybe it's too big. I miss my cleaning lady. I am hoping to have the house mostly tidy for the housewarming. :)

We painted our room red. We painted the youngest daughter's room "Elberta Peaches" which is super cheerful and makes me giddy. It's girly too...GIRLY...and the tomboy chose it!!! Oldest girls' room is "Go Girl" pink and we all LOVE the colour. I'm sad to say that the painting isn't flawless, such is life, I'll fix it over winter. Her's was interesting to paint. We discovered that under the brown paint was blue paint, then white paint, then....the EXACT colour of PINK that we painted her room!! Moral of the story? Some things in life are supposed to be pink, let them be.

The lawn is a nightmare. An absolute nightmare. I think we're going to try to control it this year, let it die and start that project next year.

We ripped out a window, cored through the 8 inches of concrete and installed a new window. We ripped out two walls and two closets. We pulled out a drop ceiling. We've put up 3 walls and two closets. We dug out the basement floor, put drainage in and built a subfloor. We have to get Rick to move an outlet, light switch and fixture. Manthingy installed the copper piping for the toilet last night, we're doing the sink and tub today. We are hoping that the new bathroom in the basement will be done by Saturday. We have flushing toilets on every floor now. I am immensely proud of him. I know nothing about this kind of stuff, well...mostly nothing. I follow directions very well, but his is the brains. We've done this ourselves, him, our three daughters and myself. It's been an INCREDIBLE team effort and so much fun.

Oh, I almost forgot! He called our utility carrier to ensure that the old rental utilities were no longer in our name. He was informed that there is a renter moving into our home and we are no longer listed as residing in our new home!! The renter set up utilities and it overrides ours!!

We have to slow down the renos once this bathroom is done though. It's super hard living in a reno bubble. We miss our friends. The pool is up, we've yet to enjoy it mostly because global warming is a stupid lie and the summers here SUCK. I'm almost looking forward to global warming!! We have a nice BBQ that we've used once, just too busy to fire it up and clean it aferward. We are exhausted and behind schedule.

Now, that might sound like complaining...lol...but it's not. It's bragging!! We own our home!! It's ours to enjoy! While we were ripping out the first wall he smirked, I enquired about the smirk. He said that he was just thinking the the landlord was gonna be really pissed that we ripped out a wall....rofl!! I told him he could make it up to me. We are under budget thus far and we've done all the work. We haven't contracted it out. Which feels really good.

Our house will still be a work in progress on Saturday. It's not going to be perfect, but c'mon out and celebrate it with us if you're in the neighborhood!!

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