Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Michael...I'll keep you in my heart.

I was just reading over some of my posts, especially the ones from when we bought our home. I mention briefly in one of them that the love and support from the wonderful people in our world is important to me. I mentioned Michael with little to no mention of who he is and how important he was to me.

He was my "work Dad". Most women I work with have "work husbands". I don't quite understand it, I find it odd, it's usually a woman that calls herself a "fag hag" or "fruit fly" and the "husband" is one of the homosexual men in the office. I cannot for a second pretend I understand this. My fiance is aware of this practice at my work and one day stated that Michael was like my "work Dad". Michael laughed his usual chuckle and the label stuck. Michael is a classic gray-haired, large bellied, deep laugh lines, music aficionado with a logical brain that never stopped.

His heart stopped beating in January 2010.

I miss him. I think of him often. He is one of those rare people you encounter in life. I am sad that I didn't get enough time with him.

RIP Michael.

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